Friday 19 October 2012

Taking it slow

Its been months and i'd been trying hard to write. I'd come up with a couple of 'things' to fill up at least a few pages and then whoosh!! the inspiration vanished in thin air!! I couldn't make the head and tail of it all. so I decided that instead of trying to write and write and fill up pages at a go, i'd take it slow and write the shortest of them all to begin with, daily. Nothing similar. Vibrant. Maybe half a page and then gradually move on to a full page. I started and.. well!! yeah!! I didn't disappoint meself. well, not that much!! eh heh heh.. Let's see where this takes me.
Posting the very first. I've decided to name it 'LOOP'. yea!! well!!


Is this how they feel? I wonder!! 
Its hard to live like this. Not being able to concentrate on anything. Not being able to remember things properly at proper time and occasions.Living life like an empty shell, the shadows of your past slowly fading away into the growing, looming darkness like a shawl slowly creeping up on you from your feet.
Things weren't so bad some years ago. My bed wasn't cold nor was my food and the clothes were always washed and ironed. Laughter echoed around the house like merry tinkling bells, sunlight and smiles that could brighten up the dingy place that I now reside in.

No, things weren't so bad.

I wasn't so scruffy either.
My hair neatly combed, face clean-shaved, a hint of after-shave and always smartly dressed. People had always commented on my good looks but mostly that I had a charming smile. I was popular with the ladies. Oh! yes I was.

I do not recognize the man, staring at me with hollow eyes, in the mirror now. All I see is a worn out shell, waiting his turn.

It would serve no purpose at all, going over useless details all over again.
I hope the night passes by soon since its hard when you can hardly sleep even after two pills of prescribed medicines to make you sleep through the dreary night.
I must be dying! Do people dying feel the same? I wonder. Its hard to live like this, you see. 
And my bed is cold!!


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